Our team specialized in B2C solutions, Paginar.net WEB, designed and developed the portal os the City of Benidorm in collaboration with Telefónica Soluciones and the Hall's New Technologies team. The result is a new corporate website with new look, more services and up-to-date technologies.
One of the central goals of the project was the ease of use. The new portal is "more useful, intuitive, user-friendly, ergonomic, accessible and transparent regarding the City management" in words of the New Technologies Councilman Ruben Martínez. A new content distribution, with more logical structure "makes it easier to find what you are looking for plus it includes a more comfortable and powerful search engine" says Antonio Fuster, the responsible for the website. "Another new feature is that now the website is available in Spanish, Valencian and English", completes the Head of New Technologies Department, Luis Manuel García.
The new website is based on Drupal. A open source CMS that is very flexible and easy to use. The commitment to this software (which is used by the White House, for example) has allowed to implement a new collaborative and decentralized work methodology. Now there are different managers for each area that are responsible for upload and update their contents.
The same site has an adapted and optimized version for mobile devices. All contents of the website of the City of Benidorm are now available from smartphones and tablets of its citizens and visitors, increasing it reach and visibility.
View website > www.benidorm.org
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