Human Capital Manager
Born in the city of Santa Fe, lived in the city of Rafaela for 18 years and for almost 9 years living in Buenos Aires. She graduated in HR at UCES and has done postgraduate specialization in Strategic HR at UBA. Is considering starting psychology studies to complement her profile. Enjoys picnics with friends, going to the movies and sleep long naps. All long weekends goes to Rafaela to spend some time with her family and childhood friends.
Why is it important a responsible for Human Resources in an IT company?
I would like to mention that in Paginar.net we talk about Human Capital instead of Human Resources. We prefer the word "capital" to strengthen our belief that our people plays an important role in the results of the company. The word "resources" refers to things and goods that are handled. And we speak of "persons" that are a vital part and decide for themselves within an organization.
To have a Head of Human Capital is more productive than not having in any kind of business. But this is more evident in IT industry. It is vital to have someone to take care of managing people to achieve organizational objectives. Note that in the IT sector are key processes: selection, retention and remuneration. This sector requires new forms of selection, greater attention to business and personal needs, constant motivation and competitive salaries.
How is the Human Resources market in the sector?
In three words: competitive (firms are competing for candidates), aggressive (no codes when searching for people in other companies) and small (lack of students and IT professionals). The employment continues to grow for years, in 2011 growth was 7%, representing a total of 64,300 this job IT, only in Argentina (according to the CESSI).
The boom that lasted 12 years now, and seems to continue, helps students and professionals for the high demand for jobs in all types of organizations (mainly in the private sector, exporter of technology, infrastructure services and software development).
In parallel, the rapid growth of the industry concern to companies due to the a full employment labor market and consequent increasing costs that must be translated into budget attraction, recruitment and retention of qualified professionals.
In this context, when planning an IT project, the human capital becomes the key factor of success. Due to the high demand for IT staff by companies and trade-offs thar are willing to pay, in recent years, as labor turnover behavior continues, the lack of commitment and exclusive monetary interest are recurrent in these students and professionals.
However, these behaviors appear to be decreasing this year due to the global economic crisis and national levels. Still, the demand for IT is greater than the labor stock.
And how will evolve?
I think the IT market sector is strong and steady. May vary more or less but always growing.
While the figures in each market may vary, I believe that unlike other professions, the "informatics" have deals to choose from!
Likes and dislikes about your job?
I enjoy my work. I like what I do. What I like best are the tasks related to working on environment, retaining and help people to develop themselves. Less satisfactory is to make some administrative / accounting work. And of course I do not like having to communicate things that, while necessary, are not pleasant for people.
How would you define a good Human Resources Policy?
Oriented to strategies and corporate goals, always supporting the welfare and development of people who join the company. Today it is necessary that HR policies facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, many companies have proved to get more productive this way.
What has been the biggest challenge at Paginar.net so far?
Mmm ... when I started working on Paginar.net the challenge was to learn as quickly as possible what was being done, solve pending things, improve practices and get involved with some people to understand their needs.
I'll take this opportunity to thank those who helped me and understood me during my time to adapt! Today, serving nearly a year at the company, I am very glad I accepted the job offered to me by Matias Carena (CEO).
My goal is to promote business growth and make Paginar.net "THE PLACE" to work.
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