Among it last actions, Levi's has developed an action embodied in the experiential marketing to promote the Party Glamour & Levi's ® Curve ID, in order to promote its latest product in Spain, the Levi's Curve ID.
The jeans brand organized a "shopping night" offering a party in collaboration with the fashion and beauty magazine Glamour in Santander, Tenerife, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. In addition to music and drink, attendees enjoyed a free makeover courtesy of Sephora and a 25% discount when buying jeans from Levi's Curve ID. Each guest could also take pictures to become the "cover girl".
The microsite, specially developed for this action, hosted the photo galleries of the Glamour & Levi's ® Curve ID event in each of the cities with pictures of the girls on the Glamour Magazine cover. The guests could also share their photos on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Myspace.
"The experiential marketing actions such as events, road shows, street marketing and activities at point of sale, together with interactive advertising, telemarketing, CRM activities, etc .- gets greater efficiency when it comes to form emotional bonds with the consumer, compared to the traditional ways" says the Director for Europe of, Luciano Schlaen.
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