Castilla y León is known for its rich natural heritage and being a region with high levels of biodiversity. In this regard, and with the aim of contributing to the conservation, protection and development of protected natural areas of the Community, the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Castilla y Leon through the Natural Heritage Trust of Castilla y León, has launched a new version of www.miespacionatural.es , a platform for citizens communication and participation of and for those sensitive to the environment and nature protection areas in the region. This virtual space is also used to promote economic resources, trade and tourism in Castilla y Leon.
The new version of www.miespacionatural.es has been developed, like the original version by PAGINAR.NET, communication and consulting firm specializing in web technology that provides Internet solutions for the Spanish, Argentine and American markets. In addition to the new design and to undertake the reorganization of the contents of the portal in a simple and effective way for the user, PAGINAR.NET has added to the portal, among other features, multiple polls, a section that contains all information about Natural Areas of Castilla y Leon, the ability to distribute content on social networks, latest user activity on the portal and a tool to manage banners. Furthermore, within the Public directory on the web, companies that have the distinctive "Natural Brand" (a brand that is aimed at creating a brand that reinforces the quality, already recognized, products or services of natural areas Community protected, and that adds value for both products and for the activities of the company) can be filtered by this brand and promoted to the home page.The result is a participative platform with multiple web tools and services for the citizens of the region, park employees and visitors in general concerned about the sustainable development of natural areas of Castilla y León.
The Natural Areas Act of Castilla y Leon added a new stage in the preservation of the nature of the community, which is materialized in the creation of the concept of "Network" that articulates the various figures of protection and encourages the participation of all sectors society and in particular the local people living in the countryside. For its part, "My natural area" is an initiative supported in the use of new information technologies and communications, which shows the values of each site through the Network of Natural Castilla y León and employing the available infrastructures such as the Red House Park Castilla y León and the Network of Environmental Documentation Centres Castilla y León (CIDA-REN).