Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New SC Johnson website

SC Johnson Argentina relies on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Paginar.net for its new corporate website. 

Paginar.net WEB, specialized business unit on B2C solutions of Paginar.net, is responsible for the design and development of the new corporate website of SC Johnson Argentina. The project was developed entirely on Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

Besides considerable technical improvements and new content, Paginar.net WEB has completely renovated the portal image introducing usability criteria and following the guidelines of SC Johnson's corporate identity, making it more friendly and attractive to its users.

While normally associated with corporate environments such as intranets, document management and collaborative work, more and more companies around the world are using SharePoint as a platform for their corporate websites. Paginar.net has an extensive expertise in this kind solutions that combines technological strength with design and usability.

Visit website > www.scjohnson.com.ar
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