Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The post PC era

The days of the PC are numbered. 
We are experiencing the beginning of a new era. One dominated by mobile devices. 
Welcome to the post-PC era.

By Sebastián Tedesco, Director of Business Development of

In the coming years we will experience a deepening in convergence of devices. In this convergence process many devices will disappear and new ones that today we can't imagine will appear. If, for example, we take as valid the studies anticipating that by 2014 78% of Internet access will be through mobile devices, we can say that this growth is actually the cancer of the traditional devices.

In the same way that today much of the desktop computers have been replaced by notebooks, notebooks and netbooks will be replaced by tablets, that will be more powerful and more integrated with other devices such as monitors, keyboards and printers. Maybe in three years we'll see the disappearance of netbooks, declining of notebooks, and in six years, notebooks and desktop will be endangered species in the PC world.

In this way it is also likely to see the demise of media players and digital cameras (except professionals), all this being replaced by the "smartphones". We will also witness the emergence of new devices such as media centers and some forms of integration of Internet access in other products such as appliances or vehicles. Today we can see how this trend is appearing in TVs and high-end cars, for example. Some call this "The Internet of things", where objects will be smarter and inter-connected.

Anyway, today we can see that in many homes the place once occupied by the old desktop PC is now a dead and abandoned area. We are clearly at the beginning of the "post PC" era.
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