GlobalNews was rewarded for its work alongside the U.S. company Merck & Co. Inc., For the preparation of quarterly reports analyzing media for 12 regional offices that the laboratory has in Latin America. For the same project, GlobalNews also won the silver medal in the category "Best use of the analysis of multiple media in international markets."
For the judges of the AMEC, "GlobalNews Group ® provided a genuine understanding of how a multimarket works" and "enabled that the performance of the public relations of business of company excels in the entire region."
The success of GlobalNews® was based on creating a system of centralized information and assessment, delivery of a daily newsletter and configuration of a database of media for the MSD offices in the region.
At PAGINAR.NET we've been involved with GlobalNews® technology area for the development and maintenance of the system as a whole. In 2007 we started to develop the re-engineering its entire system of news "delibery" that will soon be operational.
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